How to Follow Up on a Job Application

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How to follow up on an application is a question many people ask. There really is no right or wrong answer. However, follow-up is a great tool for increasing your chances of landing the position of your dreams. When to follow up on an application is important because it shows you are serious about getting the job. Here are some tips to help you decide when to send an application and how to follow up afterward.

If you have not yet signed up with LinkedIn, Google, Orkut, Facebook, Twitter or another similar site, you need to start now. The more information you can share with these online social networks, the better. You may not think this matters, but it does. When you have applied for a job and mentioned your connection on LinkedIn, for example, the HR department may have to run a background check. When you have not signed up for their networking account yet, you have no business providing them with that information. Make sure you follow this tip too.

If you have sent your resume and you think it looks good, don’t wait to send it in the attached PDF file. Use the link provided in your email as a way to “click here” and follow the directions included with the PDF file. This will provide the HR department with a means to easily find your resume and keep track of your application process. It also gives you a chance to update your CV or LinkedIn profile when needed.

Hiring agency called AEI Hawaii can give you advice on how to follow up on an application: After sending your resume in the attached PDF file, you should send an appropriate follow-up email, which states that you are happy with the initial contact and thank them for their time. The follow-up email should include a link to the relevant area of your resume, your contact information and your career objective. If you are applying for different positions in the same company, always state in your follow-up email that you are interested in all levels of management positions within the company. Don’t make the recruiter have to search through hundreds of resumes to find one that fits your specific criteria. He or she probably has hundreds of people looking for management positions, and they don’t want to spend the time doing that search.

How to follow up on a bad interview: If you have received a negative response from a hiring manager after speaking with them, don’t take it personally. It could have been a natural result of poor communication between the two of you. If you don’t hear anything from the hiring manager after sending a follow-up email, politely ask them to reschedule a follow-up interview. It is possible that they received your resume but found it difficult to read it, so they replaced it with a new one. Don’t take offense if they didn’t accept your resume. It may be that they had other candidates in mind who they failed to view when they initially evaluated your resume.

There are many other ways of how to follow up on a job application process, but these are the most common. Always be polite and professional with the hiring manager after you meet them, even if you do not receive an interview. This will show them that you are serious about following the application process to the end, and will help to ensure you receive your invite to attend the interview on the same day that you submit your resume.

Aloha International Employment

430 Kele St #301,

Kahului, HI 96732, United States


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